Case Study

Maximizing Guest Experience and Operational Efficiency at Lark Hotels



Lark Hotels


Enhance Customer Enagagement




The implementation of Routie Guest Wifi delivered significant results for Lark Hotels

Expanded Customer Database


Emails collected in just
two months

Increased Direct Bookings


Plus made in direct bookings
in just the first month

Increased Repeat Bookings


Plus made in repeat bookings of loyal
guests in the first quarter


Lark Hotels, a distinguished boutique hotel group renowned for its immersive guest experiences, spans over 20 unique properties across captivating destinations such as New England and California. Each property is meticulously curated to reflect its surroundings, offering modern amenities and personalized touches that ensure unforgettable stays for guests.

Challenge Overview

Lark Hotels recognized the pivotal role of seamless and secure guest wifi in modern hospitality. Despite initial efforts by their in-house IT team to develop a bespoke solution, the desired standards of reliability and functionality remained elusive.


Routie, a game-changer in guest wifi solutions, exceeded Lark Hotels' expectations by providing a seamlessly integrated, secure, and user-friendly wifi experience for guests.

Routie's features utilized by Lark Hotels included:

Data Collection and Analytics:
  • Routie’s solution facilitated the collection of valuable customer data, empowering Lark Hotels to nurture guest relationships and drive targeted marketing campaigns.
Robust Security:
  • Advanced security protocols provided by Routie safeguarded guest data, ensuring compliance with industry standards.
User-Friendly Interface:
  • Routie’s intuitive interface enhanced the guest experience, enabling effortless wifi access.

Return on Investment (ROI):

While specific expenditure on Routie's services remains confidential, Lark Hotels achieved a significant return on investment through improved operational efficiency and increased direct bookings. The tangible benefits far exceeded the initial investment, affirming Routie's value proposition.



By partnering with Routie, Lark Hotels not only enhanced their guest wifi experience but also streamlined operations and amplified guest engagement. This proactive approach not only improved customer satisfaction but also solidified Lark Hotels' position as a leader in personalized hospitality experiences.


Revenue-boosting guest
wifi for businesses

The most cost effective way to offer guest wifi, build your
customer database and grow your business revenue.

Guest Wifi

Collect Guest Info From Every Customer Explore more

Customer Marketing

Boost Your Marketing With Email & SMS Marketing Explore more

Network Monitoring

Keep Your Wifi Network Safe Explore more

Guest Wifi

Get Analytics For Your Business Explore more

Ready to Elevate Your Guest Experience?

Schedule your personalized, 1-on-1 demo with Routie today and embark on
a journey to redefine hospitality excellence.