Case Study

Enhancing Guest Engagement and Revenue Growth at Cabo Platinum Villas and Resorts



Cabo Platinum


Enhance Customer Enagagement




The implementation of Routie Guest Wifi delivered significant results for Cabo Platinum

Expanded Customer Database


Emails collected in just
three months

Increased Direct Bookings


Revenue over six months

Increased Repeat Bookings


Conversion rate on
direct booking


Cabo Platinum, a premier villa and resort management company in Mexico, is celebrated for offering luxurious, personalized vacation experiences. With a portfolio of exquisite properties, Cabo Platinum caters to discerning travelers seeking exclusive getaways. The company is dedicated to ensuring every guest has a memorable stay, with services tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Challenge Overview

Cabo Platinum faced a significant challenge in maximizing guest engagement and direct bookings. While many guests booked through online travel agencies (OTAs) like Expedia and, the company lacked access to crucial guest data, limiting their ability to foster direct relationships and personalized marketing efforts. This gap resulted in missed opportunities for repeat bookings and targeted marketing campaigns.


To overcome this challenge, Cabo Platinum partnered with Routie to leverage its advanced data collection and analytics capabilities. Routie provided a robust solution that enabled Cabo Platinum to collect valuable guest information, including emails and phone numbers, directly from their wifi network. This data was then utilized for personalized marketing and retargeting campaigns.

Key Features Utilized by Cabo Platinum:

Data Collection and Analytics:
  • Routie facilitated the seamless collection of guest data, empowering Cabo Platinum to build a comprehensive customer database.
Personalized Marketing Campaigns:
  • Utilizing the collected data, Cabo Platinum launched targeted marketing campaigns to re-engage past guests and encourage direct bookings.
Enhanced Guest Experience:
  • The user-friendly interface of Routie ensured guests had an effortless wifi experience, contributing to overall satisfaction.

Return on Investment (ROI):

While the specific investment in Routie’s services remains confidential, the benefits realized by Cabo Platinum far exceeded the costs. The enhanced data collection and subsequent increase in direct bookings translated into significant revenue growth, affirming the value of Routie’s solution. The ROI was calculated at 200% within the first six months.



By integrating Routie’s data collection and analytics capabilities, Cabo Platinum not only improved their guest wifi experience but also significantly enhanced their marketing efforts and revenue streams. This strategic move not only boosted customer satisfaction but also reinforced Cabo Platinum's position as a leader in luxury hospitality.


Revenue-boosting guest
wifi for businesses

The most cost effective way to offer guest wifi, build your
customer database and grow your business revenue.

Guest Wifi

Collect Guest Info From Every Customer Explore more

Customer Marketing

Boost Your Marketing With Email & SMS Marketing Explore more

Network Monitoring

Keep Your Wifi Network Safe Explore more

Guest Wifi

Get Analytics For Your Business Explore more

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